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With Kash we want to stimulate the local economy by ensuring that Kash continues to circulate within the region. The more we spend our money in the region, the more we benefit from it.
Kash is Westlands digitaal Cash. Kash is een regionale munt door Westlanders en voor Westlanders. Kash is een verwijzing naar de Westlandse Kassen. Kash is afgeleid van het Engelse woord Cash, wat contant geld betekent.
Kash is bedoeld voor iedereen die meer betrokken wil zijn bij de Westlandse economie en onze lokale ondernemers wil stimuleren.
Betaal je met Kash dan is dit een transactie tussen jou en de ontvanger. Je hebt niet te maken met een tussenliggende partij die een inbreuk maakt op je privacy, (te hoge) kosten berekent en eventueel een transactie blokkeert.
Er zijn op dit moment geen kosten voor het gebruik van Kash De transacties worden op dit moment door Greenhood gesponsord. Elke transactie kost minder dan een cent en die gaat naar de beheerders van de blockchain om transacties te verwerken en het netwerk veilig te houden.
An NFT is a Non-Fungible Token: a non-fungible, irreplaceable digital certificate of ownership. You can create this certificate digitally and link it to a digital object, for us this is the Kash Logo.
The more active a Kash user is, the more the NFT becomes worth. For example, by paying with KASH, or by involving as many other people as possible in the Kash community. You do this by sending an NFT to these new users, so your own NFT can become more valuable.
Greenhood Wallet
This is a digital wallet in which you can store crypto currency. We use the Greenhood Wallet to store, among other things, the EURe coin and the Cash NFT.
The Greenhood Wallet is by the users, for the users. Eventually, all users will receive Greenhood Shares, with which they can vote on new functionality. The more you commit to the Kash and Greenhood community, the more Greenhood shares you receive.
No, using the Greenhood Wallet is and will remain free.
Yes, the Greenhood Wallet is open source, which means that the programming code is publicly available, here.
You can do this in the App Store or in the Play Store.
A seed is similar to your username/password and provides access to your digital wallet. A Seed consists of 12 English words.
If you lose your smartphone and you don't have a copy of your Seed, you will no longer have access to the Kash in your Greenhood Wallet. Therefore, write the 12 words of your Seed on paper or make a digital copy to prevent loss.
No, at this time the Greenhood Wallet is only suitable for small amounts. Enough to pay for your weekly groceries, for example. We will add more security features in the future.
Kash is pseudonym. Every transaction is public and can be seen by anyone on the public blockchain. We generally do not know who is behind the transactions and whose addresses they belong to.
You can get more privacy by regularly changing addresses. You can do this by deleting your account in the Greenhood Wallet and creating a new account. In the future we will use more privacy-supported features, technical developments are moving quickly.
Techniek achter Kash
Kash is an NFT that we link to the existing currency, the EURe. Kash itself is not a currency but an idea and a mindset.
The EURe token is issued by Monerium, which is an Icelandic company that complies with the new MICA regulations within the European Union.
The EURe is worth the same as one euro and can be exchanged for euros in your bank account at any time.